No more waking up with neck pain and cervical headache since morning! 

Symptoms and Remedies to Cervical Pain at Night and Night Headaches

Waking up with cervical neck pain, headache in the morning

It's morning, the alarm goes off, you wake up, maybe you postpone it a couple of times, but then it's time to get up. Like every day, you have to get the kids ready for school or anticipate traffic to get to the office on time.

Every morning it's always the same story: neck pain and cervical headaches plague you: your head pops, dizziness makes it hard to even get from your room to the bathroom, your neck is as stiff as a piece of wood.

As if that were not enough, neck and hands falling asleep at night give you no respite, and consequently you spend all night tossing and turning in bed trying to find a comfortable position, waking up over and over again to correct it.

Did you ever imagine that neck pain at night could affect your life so much right from the morning?

The condition described above is typical of those who present with the symptoms of neck pain at night . In the worst cases, the person may also present with neck and nocturnal tachycardia, apnea, dizziness, increased sweating...

Yet you spent hundreds of euros on doctor's visits, Rx x-rays, treatments at the physiotherapist... Maybe at first the situation had even improved, but it was nothing permanent.

Well there is one thing you should know: waking up with neck pain and headaches there are millions of people who are in exactly the same situation as you, and the cause in 90% of cases is always the same. In fact, it is estimated that as many as 7 out of 10 people experience neck pain every day (and at night), albeit with varying intensity.

Since problems of a bony nature are quite rare (except as a result of trauma or at an advanced age, and in this case it is a good idea to seek professional advice), in most cases nocturnal cervicalgia is caused by contracture of the neck muscles during sleep.

This also results in compression of the cervical vertebrae C1 to C7 and crushing of the intervertebral discs. This is where all the symptoms of cervicalgia originate : morning dizziness, dizziness, night headache, stiff neck in movement, dizziness, loss of balance, and general acute pain.

Compression of cervical Vertebrae C1 - C7 causing nocturnal cervicalgia

How to Remedy Nighttime Headaches and Morning Cervical Pain

In order to take effective action to defeat cervicalgia and eliminate neck pain at night, you absolutely must correct your posture!

In fact, even without realizing it, when you read, when you write, when you work at a computer, or even right now as you are reading this article, you are subjecting your neck and cervical spine to a workload, most likely by using incorrect posture.

To relieve symptoms during daylight hours, also read our previous articles:

But this is only part of your day: Almost half of our life is spent lying down!

When sleeping or lying down, in fact, the entire spine should be in a natural, relaxed position, keeping the cervical spine and the spine aligned. If even when resting, the cervical spine cannot get rid of these tensions, neck pain may increase, causing stiffness, headaches, labyrinthitis and even nausea and tachycardia.

Eliminate Cervical Neck Pain Through Your Own Pillow

To improve night posture and sleep quality thekey element is the pillow you are using.

In fact, the pillow is not a simple rectangle of cloth stuffed with soft material, but a real companion, supporting the head for about a third of the waist. So it is the crucial element for the position of the neck during the night hours and for resting at its best!

The benefits of Pharmaflex Cervical for Night and Morning neck pain

It is crucial to understand that if you suffer from neck pain, normal pillows are not able to offer the right support; they may in fact be too thin or too high, thus not allowing your shoulders to rest properly on the mattress. The neck then tends to bend unnaturally forward or sideways, causing the onset of stiffness and muscle tension that during the night and then in the morning result in headaches and neck pain upon waking, and in all the other annoying neck pain discussed so far.

This is therefore why all the pharmacological and physiotherapeutic treatments you have tried have had only a momentary effect, because you have not supported them with proper nighttime posture.

There are therefore medical devices specifically designed to act during rest. These devices provide the correct support to the neck, leading it to assume a more natural posture, allowing relaxation of the muscles and cervical vertebrae, and consequently preventing the onset of neck pain and related annoying problems.

Our Pharmaflex Cervical is one such device:

Pharmaflex Cervical, night cervical pillow

If you suffer from Cervical Nocturnal Pain, adopt a suitable Pillow!

Here are the main benefits you can get from choosing our orthopedic neck pillow:

  • Provides specific head and neck support
    Our cervical pillows are orthopedic products and
    Class 1 medical devices approved by the Ministry of Health. They offer specific, optimal support for the head, neck and shoulders. They are designed to allow soft support for the face and proper support for the neck.
  • Promotes body alignment
    It is because of this factor and the correct alignment of the head, neck and shoulders that ergonomic pillows can help prevent, control and alleviate pain and disorders related to the cervical spine. In addition, these pillows
    are suitable for all those who sleep on their stomach or side, since they promote the most suitable posture.
  • Helps maintain cervical curve
    An appropriate product can help you maintain the normal cervical curve while sleeping on your back,
    allowing the muscles and ligaments to relax during sleep and thus regain their normal length.
  • Release tension and stiffness in the neck
    A specific orthopedic pillow allows you to lean on the mattress the right way, easing muscle tension. Your neck and entire spine can then finally find the most correct position and, at last, relief.
  • Eliminate Neck Pain and Headaches in the Morning
    Traditional pillows do not provide the support you need, and thus develop tension that lingers over time. When you wake up in the morning you realize that you have slept poorly, and your awakening is accompanied by headaches, stiffness, dizziness, or trivially the feeling of being "broken," with a fixed neck pain and great neck soreness.

Click on the button below if you would like to read about how our Pharmaflex cervical orthopedic pillow Cervical is constructed and find out all of its features!

An orthopedic pillow remedy for neck at night and night headaches

Try it for Free!

We are so confident in the effectiveness of our products that we let you try our pillow for 30 NIGHTS, and if you eventually decide to return it we will send the courier at our expense and you will receive an immediate refund!

Discover the Best Cervical Device