Sleep and metabolism: why can sleep make you lose weight?

Sleep and metabolism: why can sleep make you lose weight?

Apr 13, 2024Pharmaflex Consultant

In the context of health and wellness, sleep emerges as a key pillar, especially when it comes to metabolism and weight loss. But how can something as passive as sleep actively influence our weight? In this article, we will explore the direct relationship between sleep and metabolism and how adequate rest can be the unsuspected secret to weight loss. Get ready to discover why improving your sleep habits could be the first step toward a healthier, leaner life.

Slimming down while sleeping

The link between sleep and weight loss is the subject of numerous scientific studies, which show that good quality sleep positively affects our metabolism, playing a crucial role in weight management. When we sleep, our bodies do more than just rest: they perform a number of processes essential for physical and mental recovery, including the regulation of hormones that affect appetite and metabolism.

Research from such prestigious institutions as theUniversity of Chicago and theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison has shown that getting enough sleep-generally understood as 7 to 9 hours per night for an adult-can have direct effects on reducing appetite and increasing satiety. 

This occurs because adequate sleep regulates the production of two crucial hormones: leptin, which signals the brain to feel full, and ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. A lack of sleep can lead to an imbalance of these substances, increasing hunger and, consequently, calorie consumption during the day.

One particularly enlightening study monitored a group of overweight adults who habitually slept less than 6.5 hours per night. After increasing their sleep duration to more than 7 hours per night, the participants experienced a significant reduction in daily caloric intake, with no other changes to their diet or exercise. 

This spontaneous reduction in calories consumed has the potential to translate into significant weight loss in the long run.

Sleep and weight loss

Research in the field of sleep has made one key point clear: the quality and quantity of our night's rest has a direct impact on the body's ability to manage weight. Lack of sleep not only alters hunger hormones, leading to increased appetite, but also affects food choice, pushing us toward less healthy, higher-calorie options. Studies have shown that individuals deprived of needed sleep tend to prefer foods high in sugar and fat, thus increasing the risk of overweight or obesity.

Deep sleep, or REM sleep, plays a key role not only in our body's recovery and rest process but also in regulating metabolism and weight loss. During this stage of sleep, the body is better able to regulate appetite-related hormones, promoting a feeling of satiety throughout the day and reducing the tendency to consume excess calories. 

In addition, deep sleep helps improve overall well-being, positively affecting mood, concentration and physical performance.

Strategies for improving sleep quality

In order to derive maximum metabolic benefits from a good night's rest, it is essential to adopt strategies that improve the quality of sleep. Here are some practical suggestions:

  • Set regular times: Going to bed and waking up at the same time always helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm.
  • Create a conducive environment: A cool, dark and quiet bedroom is ideal for deep and uninterrupted sleep.
  • Limit exposure to blue light: Avoiding smartphone, tablet and computer screens at least an hour before bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality.
  • Choosing the right mattress and pillow: Adequate support during the night is critical to prevent sleep disruptions and ensure a deep rest.

By adopting these habits, you can not only improve sleep quality but also support weight loss efforts by taking advantage of the inherent link between sleep and metabolism.

The role of mattress and pillow in improving sleep

To achieve restful sleep that promotes metabolism and contributes to weight loss, the importance of a good mattress and pillow cannot be overlooked. The choice of these elements is crucial to ensuring optimal rest, as they support the body adequately, preventing nighttime awakenings and ensuring deep and continuous sleep.

I orthopedic mattresses from Pharmaflex are designed to provide the support needed to keep the spine in a natural position, preventing tension and pain that can disrupt sleep. These mattresses not only promote back health but also improve the quality of rest, both of which are essential for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way.

For those seeking a personalized sleep experience, the Performance Memory offers an ideal solution. Thanks to its ability to adapt perfectly to the curves of the body, this mattress distributes weight evenly, reducing pressure points and allowing you to achieve deep sleep more easily, which is essential for an effective slimming process.

Finally, the Performance Hybrid, with its combination of resilient support and soft comfort, is the optimal choice for those seeking the best balance of orthopedic support and resilience. This mattress is particularly suitable for those who suffer from back pain and seek relief, as well as sleep that aids in weight control.

Choosing the right mattress and pillow has never been more important-not only for the well-being of your back and body in general, but also as part of a balanced lifestyle that includes weight control and improved metabolism. 

Pharmaflex offers a range of products to suit each individual's needs, supporting the journey to complete wellness and a healthier, more active life.

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