Proper posture: 10 tips to follow.

Proper posture: 10 tips to follow

Dec 21, 2022Shepherd Ltd.

Have you ever thought about the fact that most spinal disorders are the consequence of lack of proper posture? It sounds strange, but in fact posture performs three important functions: it counteracts the force of gravity, helps you find balance, and allows you to move in a consonant manner.

In the absence of correct posture, therefore, a variety of ailments, including disabling ones, can arise, such as torticollis, sciatica, low back pain, paresthesias of the limbs, as well as labyrinthitis, muscle pain and circulatory problems. Some conditions, moreover, are degenerative, so their progression can be slowed only by adopting correct posture and resorting to orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

So, what to do to have correct posture?

What is meant by correct posture

To combat low back and neck pain, before anything else, it is necessary to assume correct posture. In the absence of this, in fact, asymmetries of the body generate various problems, which in some cases can cause disabling pathologies.

Correct posture useful tips

For example, correct posture at the PC helps prevent crushing of the lumbar vertebrae, while sleeping the right way helps relieve and sometimes prevent neck pain. But even when standing, correct posture must be maintained in order to protect the spine and cervical area from unnecessary and harmful compression. 

For this reason, in addition to following a few tips to assume and maintain correct posture, you can help yourself with orthopedic mattresses and pillows to help your spine find the right position, even when you sleep.

Correct posture tips

Despite the busy life you lead, you cannot ignore the fact that you spend roughly one third of your existence sleeping. For this reason, encouraging proper posture even during the night is essential to soothe and combat spinal disorders.

While you sleep, in fact, it is necessary that the vertebrae do not suffer any compression, a result that can be achieved with special orthopedic mattresses, which can distribute the weight of the body over the entire surface.

At the same time, especially if you suffer from neck pain, you will have to resort to an orthopedic pillow, which will quickly adapt to changes in body position and provide adequate support for your head. These medical devices, moreover, will come in very handy for you to feel better during the day: your body, free from tension, will in fact be able to find its correct posture, without you having to make too much effort.

But now, let's see what to do to have correct posture when you work, when you walk, and at all times of your daily life.

How to have correct standing posture 

When people talk about correct posture, they immediately think of the most appropriate way to sit. In reality, it is something you need to pay attention to even when you are standing. To improve your posture while walking, practice these 5 tips and, if necessary, stand in front of a mirror to check the results of your efforts.


  •  Check the alignment of the feet-a correct posture starts with the feet. When standing still, keep them the same distance from your hips and make sure they are perfectly aligned: in fact, to ensure effective support for the spine, they will need to be parallel, without deviating either inward or outward.

  •  Keep your knees slightly flexed-it sounds like a nonsense, but it is not. When standing, don't extend your knees to their fullest extent, as you risk increasing the stress on your joints. Rather, try to keep them imperceptibly bent-you will feel immediate relief.

  •  Correct the curvature of the spine-the spine is not perfectly straight but has two physiological curvatures, the cervical and lumbar curvatures. These must be maintained, and to do so, in addition to your commitment, you will also need to possess toned and trained abdominal and back muscles.

  •  Relax your shoulders-often ignored, the shoulders contribute significantly to the onset of neck pain. To achieve correct posture when you walk, relax them, let your arms fall along your sides and check that your shoulders do not fall forward. If you cannot feel their position, look in the mirror.

  •  Keep your head straight-when you walk, to have correct posture you must keep your gaze in front of you. In fact, your head should be upright, with your chin parallel to the floor.
  • And now let's look at how to assume correct sitting posture.

    How to maintain correct sitting posture 

    Sedentary living is your worst enemy. So when you work or sit for long periods of time, follow these 5 tips to maintain proper posture:

  •  Keep your back straight - for correct posture, you will not have to keep your spine straight, but you will have to accommodate its physiological curvatures. This means that the lumbar area should be slightly arched outward, a result you can easily achieve by avoiding leaning on the backrest. If, on the other hand, you own an ergonomic desk chair, you will be able to do this instead, because the backrest will take care of it to promote the right position for your back.

    Picture back in correct posture


  •  Rest your feet on the floor-if when you sit on the couch at home, this problem does not exist, it may arise in the office when you are at your desk. In fact, for correct posture, the soles of your feet must always rest on the floor.

  •  Allow your legs to form a 90-degree angle - feet firmly placed on the floor will also allow you to form a 90-degree angle, both at the pelvis and at the knees. This is the correct sitting posture, the only one that avoids burdening the lower back.

  • Don't cross your legs-this advice applies especially to women: never cross your legs, because this type of posture causes problems in the pelvis, joints and even the neck. The legs should remain parallel.

  • Get up often-what does getting up have to do with proper posture for sitting? It has something to do with it, because sitting promotes poor postures. Without even realizing it, your body will, in fact, tend to adopt incorrect postures in an attempt to relieve body tension. At least every hour, then, take a little break to stretch your legs and back.

    In addition to following these tips for correct posture, resort to the benefits of Pharmaflex orthopedic mattresses and pillows: thanks to the new 5-layer technology, they will take care of your spine and allow you to face the day with an extra gear

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