How to get rid of neck dizziness?

How to get rid of neck dizziness?

Nov 24, 2023Linkeasy Editorial Board

Neck di zziness is not limited to the classic sensation of vertigo. Sudden dizziness and floating head sensation are related to balance and otolithic function, which connects head position with gaze and head stability. In this article, we will explore the causes of cervical vertigo and offer practical advice on how to deal with it, including targeted exercises and the use of specific orthopedic supports, to alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life.

Strategies to Relieve Cervical Dizziness

How do I get rid of neck dizziness? This is a common question for those who suffer from this annoying disorder. The solution lies in a combination of techniques and practices. First of all, adopting specific neck exercises helps to relax the muscles and reduce tension, thus helping to decrease the frequency and intensity of vertigo. In addition,adopting specially designedpillows can adequately support the cervical area during sleep, a crucial factor in preventing and relieving cervical vertigo.

Cervical dizziness: How long do they last

Neck dizziness is a disorder that can vary greatly in duration. Often, people wonder how long they can last. The answer depends on several factors, including the intensity of the muscle contracture and the person's lifestyle habits. Generally, without proper treatment, dizziness can persist for days or even weeks.

The most common symptoms include a feeling of unsteadiness or dizziness, which may be accompanied by headaches, neck tension, and sometimes nausea. It is important to recognize these signs early, as promptly addressing the problem can significantly reduce the duration and intensity of dizziness. Incorporating specific neck exercises into your daily routine can be an effective step toward relief.

Cervical dizziness exercises

Introducing specific neck exercises can be a valuable aid for those suffering from neck dizziness. The following exercises, aimed at relaxing and strengthening neck muscles, help reduce symptoms: 

  • Eye and Head Movement Exercises: In supine position, relax and focus on breathing. Move your eyes in all directions: up, down, right, left. Next, move your head slowly in the different directions: flexion, extension, rotation and lateral tilt. These movements help relax the neck muscles and improve coordination.
  • Exercises in Sitting and Standing Position: Sitting, bend forward bringing your nose toward your knee, alternating right and left sides. This exercise promotes stretching of the neck muscles. Standing in front of a mirror, perform balance exercises by varying the position of your feet and lifting one limb at a time, as if you were a tightrope walker.
  • Walking and Coordination: Walk in place, taking care of your breathing and also coordinating your arm movements. Accentuate the movements, first with eyes open and then closed. Continue with a back and forth walk, varying the foot support from the whole foot to the toes and heels.

Importance of the Appropriate Pillow for Cervical Dizziness

One of the aspects that should not be underestimated in the treatment of neck dizziness is choosing the right pillow. The use of a neck pillow can make a big difference. These pillows are designed to provide the right support for the neck, keeping the spine in a neutral position during sleep.

Choosing the right pillow depends on various factors, including the position in which you sleep and your physical needs. I orthopedic pillows from Pharmaflex, for example, are designed to accommodate different needs, offering support and comfort. In summary, investing in a suitable pillow is a critical step for those suffering from neck dizziness, as it can help reduce muscle tension and improve sleep quality.

Cushion Maintenance and Care

Proper care of the pillow is essential to preserve its therapeutic qualities. Regular maintenance helps prevent the accumulation of allergens. Special attention should be given to the cover: use a protective cover such as the cervical pillow cover from Pharmaflex, made from breathable and hypoallergenic materials, can extend the life of the pillow and provide a healthier sleeping environment.

In conclusion, dizziness caused by neck pain can be significantly reduced with a combination of targeted exercises, correct posture, and the use of appropriate accessories such as orthopedic pillows. By following the advice outlined in this article, you can find relief from your symptoms and improve the quality of your daily life. Remember, prevention and careful care are the keys to effectively managing neck dizziness.

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