Cervical spine and workplace: an often unhappy marriage

Cervical spine and workplace: an often unhappy marriage

Dec 15, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Neck pain is a frequent companion in our working days, especially for those who spend hours in front of the computer. This ailment, often linked to poor ergonomics and bad postures, not only reduces productivity but also affects general well-being. In this article, we will find out how proper ergonomics in the workplace can make a difference.

Ergonomics in the Workplace: Improve your posture

To prevent neck pain, the ergonomics of your workplace are essential. A chair that supports your back and allows proper foot position is critical. Make sure your desk and monitor are at the right height to maintain proper neck posture. Good lighting also helps to avoid forced postures.

Choosing ergonomic accessories, such as a mouse and keyboard, is another important step. These tools should fit the shape of your hand and reduce tension while working.

Correct Posture for the Cervical

Maintaining correct posture is important not only at work but also in daily activities to prevent neck pain. While at work, make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed, but not hunched. The computer monitor should be positioned so that your gaze is directed straight ahead, avoiding bending your neck up or down.

Outside of the work environment, pay attention to your posture while using mobile devices or while reading. Avoid holding your phone or book too low, as this can cause your neck to bend too much. Even when sitting, make sure your feet touch the floor and that your lower back is supported.

Regular stretching exercises are very helpful in maintaining flexibility in the neck and shoulders. Take short breaks during the day to walk and change positions so that you do not remain in the same posture for prolonged periods.

Correct Posture for Sleeping with Cervical.

Proper posture while sleeping is critical for those suffering from neck problems. The position in which you sleep greatly affects the health of your neck and shoulders. Ideally, your head and neck should align with the rest of your body, maintaining a neutral position.

If you sleep on your back, choose a pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck without raising your head too high. Sleeping on your side requires a pillow that fills the space between your head and the mattress to keep your neck in line with your spine. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this position can force your neck.

A cervical pillow from Pharmaflex is an excellent ally in ensuring proper posture during sleep. 

Pharmaflex Cervical Comfort Products

I orthopedic pillows from Pharmaflex are designed to provide targeted support for the neck area, which is critical for those who spend many hours sitting or suffer from neck disorders. These pillows help maintain the natural alignment of the neck during sleep, reducing tension and promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

In addition to physical support, Pharmaflex orthopedic pillows are created with high-quality materials that provide durability and comfort. The ergonomic design adapts to the shape of your body, providing the right balance of softness and support. Choosing the right pillow is a critical step in improving the quality of your sleep and, consequently, your daily life.

Cervical Comfort Accessories: Liners and More

Cervical comfort is not just limited to choosing the right pillow: related accessories play an equally important role. The pillow cover for cervicals from Pharmaflex, for example, is designed to further enhance the sleeping experience. These covers offer additional protection to the pillow, keeping it clean and increasing its durability. A well-maintained pillow not only ensures better hygiene, but also preserves its ergonomic qualities over time.

Accessories such as pillow covers are created from breathable, quality fabrics, ensuring optimal comfort during the night. These materials help regulate temperature, preventing overheating and ensuring a more pleasant sleeping environment. In addition, the ease of cleaning of these accessories allows you to keep your sleeping space hygienically safe and comfortable. Integrating quality accessories into your sleep system means investing in your cervical health and overall well-being.

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